Employment Contract

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  • Employment Contract



The Employment contract has been made on this day ——  with the following terms and conditions.


  1. Employee Name :
  2. Passport No :
  3. Employee’s job title :
  4. Basic salary            :  
  5. Period of Employment : Two years
  6. Place of Employment :  Anywhere in KSA
  7. Joining Air ticket :  provided by the Employee ( Both Ways )
  8. Working Hours :  8 hrs, per day,6 days weekly
  9. Accommodation :  Provided by the Company
  • Food : provided  by the Company 
  • Medical/ Insurance : As per KSA labor law
  • Transportation : Provided by the Company
  • Leave Benefits : Free Two way ticket by Employer
  • Other Terms & Conditions : As per KSA Law




(First Party)                                                                              (Second Party)

Sign In Acceptance

………………………………                                                                    Employee Signature:

(Name Of the Company)

                                                                                                        Employee Passport No:                                                                                                       

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